After 24 hours i noticed that the Scarecrow wasn't triggering anymore, i checked by placing my hand in front of the detector and nothing happened. The Scarecore then worked perfectly and stopped cats using that part of the garden.
I managed to put tape around the nozzel which held it in position. When the nozzel was fired across the garden the water didn't spray anymore and only reached about 1-2 feet which isn't very good. This is when the first issue arose, the nozzel that the water is fired through was fired across the garden every time the Scarecrow was triggered. Out of the box the Scarecrow was easy to assemble and setup in the garden. The Scarecrow arrived very quickly which was really impressive. I already have a Scarecrow which has been used for several years without any problems but this didn't cover the full area of my back garden so i decided to purchase a second scarecrow.
The Home Defence Scarecrow was purchased to try to stop a cat using my back garden as a toilet.